There's nothing like running 13.1 miles to celebrate 13 years of being married to this incredible man God brought into my life many years ago!
Now that our kiddos have gotten a bit older, they're starting to enjoy summer trips to see Grandparents in the summer, while Mommy and Daddy enjoy some alone time. As hard as it is to be away from them, it's always a great reminder that we are husband and wife first, and daddy and mommy second. My mother-in-law came and picked up the kiddos on that Wednesday and then Thursday Josh and I headed to the mountains. Last year we went to Dillon, CO to stay the night before I ran the
Slacker Half Marathon and it was just beautiful, but we didn't really have the time to enjoy the area, so we were excited to have a little extra time this trip!
We took our time traveling to Dillon and once again we were just blown away by the view. Friday morning we enjoyed not being wakened by an alarm or little people and then went for a 2 mile run just to get rid of some pre-race jitters and to adjust to the elevation (or try to anyway). The run along the Dillon lake was absolutely gorgeous! After we ran 2 miles we walked and chatted for 2 more miles. I remember telling Joshua how had we not started this journey of becoming more active, we wouldn't have even taken the time to enjoy such a beautiful run/walk.
Is this view not just breathtaking? God is SO good!!!
This wonderful man has always supported my journey to getting healthier,
but absolutely nothing compares to being on this journey together!
This little morning run was a perfect reminder of why I enjoy this sport so much!
Dinner at the Dam Brewery. Oh, he always makes me laugh!
Great food, a lovely glass of wine and the best company :)
Saturday morning finally came and it was time to head to Georgetown to be bused to the Loveland Ski area. The temperature at the starting line was about 38 degrees and I was SO cold. I had such a hard time taking off my sweatshirt, but I knew it was going to warm up quickly and I wasn't about to make the same mistake I did last year by dressing too warm. To be honest though, I even had tears it was so cold. But leave it to my husband to help me relax and get excited to run!
When we said 'I do' 13 years ago, I never would have dreamed about this very moment! This was one of the most incredible times in our marriage. Love him so much!!!
I felt so much better about this race than I did a year ago. It's fun when you know what to expect and know the course. For some reason though, I REALLY struggled through miles 5-7. I started to have stomach cramps really bad, which I'm sure was due to the elevation and not eating and drinking enough before we got started. I really didn't want to walk or stop at ALL through the entire race, but the cramping got so bad that I had no choice but to walk for just a bit and catch my breath. Once I did, the rest of the race was enjoyable! I have to say that the encouragement from the other Team Beef members and runners was awesome at this race too!
This picture was around mile 10! I can't believe I actually had a smile.
I'm so incredible proud of Joshua for completing his first half marathon race! He wanted to finish in under two hours, but believe it or not... he finished in TWO HOURS AND ONE MINUTE! He's still a bit bitter about the fact that the bottleneck of runners at the starting line and a potty break prevented him from meeting his goal. I'm still so incredibly proud of him!!!
I struggled again right before the finish line, but there my hubby was to help me finish as he ran with me the last little bit (even after he had already finished his half marathon)! I finished in 2:20 which was 7 minutes faster than what I ran it a year ago, so I was happy! It was such an incredible reminder of this journey we're on together.
We celebrated finishing and then headed back to Dillon to relax and enjoy our last evening away. I still struggle with getting headaches when I run 10 miles or more from getting dehydrated, so I was prepared for one to come and ready for a nap. One of these days, I'll get it figured out :)
After a nap and dinner we went to the Dillon Ampitheatre and enjoyed some live bluegrass music, a beautiful sunset and a gorgeous view of the mountains and lake. I've never felt so refreshed and connected to my dear husband than I did after this trip.
I hope that we can plan another Run-cation together (I would even love for this to be an annual event for us). It was definitely one of the best trips we've had together! Fellow married couples ~ I challenge you to think outside the box on your next getaway. Although, we've really enjoyed other trips, planning and preparing for this one was incredibly special and certainly some memories I will cherish!
After such a special getaway, we were certainly ready to get the kiddos home!
We all made some pretty special memories and we're so grateful for the time our kiddos get to have with their grandparents!!!