Sunday, November 10, 2013

A New Plan

After running a couple half marathons, I've been on the search for a new and fresh workout and meal plan in an effort to not get burned out and/or prevent getting bored.  I also don't want to get distracted from this journey during the Holiday season.  I've followed Bobbi with N Her Shoes for quite some time.  There's so many areas of life that I can relate to with Bobbi and I've enjoyed getting to know her through her blog.  She's a wife, mom, runner, enjoys cross training and is also a christian.  I've seen her share multiple times about her 'Shred' programs and decided to check it out.

With her 2013 Holiday Shred Program she provides a running training plan, cross training workouts, meal plans, shopping list and support!  I'm so excited to try something new while still maintaining the effort up to this point.

I love how God can use technology to bring inspirational, positive and Christ centered individuals into our life.  I'm so excited to have a plan this holiday season so that I can take care of my health journey, while focusing on more important areas of my life! 

Blessings to you this Thanksgiving and Christmas season,



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