Over the last several years I have suffered from migraines and they were gradually becoming more frequent and more severe. Last year on Mother's Day I was enjoying a wonderful sermon at church when the dreaded happened. I started to see spots, started to get dizzy and began feeling a horrible migraine come on. I tried so hard to tough it out until the end of the service but I just couldn't do it. I finally told Josh that I needed him to take me home. We headed home right away and I took some over the counter migraine medicine and tried to sleep, but nothing was helping this migraine. The pain was horrific, I remember telling my dear husband that the pain was worse than giving birth. I finally asked him to take me to the ER. The doctor gave me some pain medicine and sent me home to sleep for several hours. Not exactly how I imagined spending a Mother's Day. The doctor asked me to come in the next day for a follow up. On that Monday, I had to have a CT scan just to ensure that nothing else was going on. Thankfully everything came back normal and the doctor prescribed some medicine for me to keep with me in case I got another migraine. He also warned me that if I started getting migraines more frequently that I would have to start taking medication daily. Definitely not something I wanted to hear! Last July (3 months after I started running) I had another migraine. It wasn't as severe as it was before since I was able to take the medication just as soon as I had symptoms, but I was still frustrated and concerned. I continued to focus on running, making sure I was getting better sleep and tweaking what I was eating.
But with all of that I am so EXCITED to report that I have been
MIGRAINE FREE for 10 months now!
I'm not exactly sure if it's the running, adjusting my diet, paying attention to my sleep, or simply having a way to get rid of stress. But for whatever the reason or combination, it's working and for that I am grateful. This definitely taught me that focusing on my health is so much more than how my clothes fit or what size my clothes are (those are simply icing on the cake)... it's more important to feel good and not miss out on these special moments!
Mother's Day 2013
And who would want to miss a breakfast like this?
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
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