Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Before & After

I've been working out on a regular basis for several years but didn't really take it seriously until a year ago.  When my dear friend suggested a mud run, I had no idea how much of an impact that one moment would have on my journey physically, emotionally and spiritually (as well as the friendships formed along the way)!  As I began running so many things changed in my life.  I focused on what I was eating as it was taking more 'fuel' to continue to increase my distance.  I still have a long ways to go in this area, but it's baby steps.  I also had to pay close attention to the amount of water I was drinking and had to eliminate one of my favorite drinks... sweet tea!  My daily routine and sleep habits had to be evaluated and adjusted.  I was really just focusing on improving my health as I was suffering from migraines and issues with stomach pain and not necessarily weight loss.  The weight loss was just the icing on the cake. 

After losing about five pounds, I found myself focusing entirely too much on what the scale was showing and wanting the number to continue to decline.  I had to constantly remind myself to focus on the bigger picture, which had nothing to do with numbers.  After a year of blood, sweat and tears I have lost 30 pounds (and 3 dress sizes) and find myself still wanting to lose another 10 pounds, get stronger, run faster, BUT I have to learn to be content and happy where I am at right now and praise God for the journey and just continue working to improve my health!  Over this last year, I've also learned that there is no shortcut to a lifestyle change.  It takes a lot of planning, commitment, support and love from family and friends and it's a constant learning process.  And I can tell you that it's worth every step.  When this journey began, I had no idea the impact it would have.  Over this last year God has restored my health, renewed my marriage and reminded me that my body is a temple and I praise Him for every step of this journey!  I had no idea that a year after this journey began that running would be a family affair!  I'm training for my first half marathon, my husband has enjoyed a couple of races and we're doing our first family fun run this weekend.  Nothing bonds a family like running does!

God has also reminded me that every day is a gift, celebrate and rejoice in it!  I recently decided to do a 'Journey' photo session with my favorite photographer Cherished Snapshots as a way to move forward on this journey, celebrate what God has done in my life, for increased motivation and for one other silly reason... to replace an old high school volleyball picture my husband STILL has in the dash of his pickup :)  I had so much fun with Jenn taking these pictures.  She has such a gift of coming along side her clients, create a vision and join them in the celebration.  It was so different having pictures taken without my dear husband and precious kiddos, but I have learned that taking care of myself allows me to take care of them the way God has called me to!

So, without further ado here is my before and after pictures as well as a few pictures from my 'journey session.'


One of my favorite pictures of the entire photo session!  This is such a reminder of how I feel after the journey I've endured this last year.  My hope is to hang on to this feeling and continue to focus on my health and the health of my family!  One other piece of wisdom I would share is set reasonable goals for your journey and CELEBRATE when you reach them!  The goals I set for myself about 10 months ago was to run a half marathon and to lose 25 pounds and I was so excited to reach them both!  Maybe you celebrate with a new outfit, new gear, a special getaway, or a fun photo shoot, the list goes on and on!  Now to set some new goals!  Maybe I'll think about that on my next long run. 

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

Blessings to you on your journey and thank you for your love, support and encouragement as I continue and share mine!



  1. "I don't run! I can't run!" These words are forever etched in my brain as I look at you now. I think it is interesting that you and I both had health issues that we had to get on top of through this process of becomming running addicts. With the help of our fellow diva, we were able to hold each other accountable and keep running. I'm proud of you dear friend. However, I miss our early morning chats.

    1. God definitely had a plan when our paths crossed :) It is definitely interesting how we both had some health issues to address! I miss our early morning chats too! We need to plan a few just for old times sake :)

  2. Saw you on running bloggers:) What a great blog! Your pictures are great, great job on your accomplishment! I have a few more pounds to kick off myself, I think a fun photoshoot like this would be a good reward to look forward to and have fun with! thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments. It's always a work in progress but this photo shoot was definitely something I looked forward to for several months and it kept me motivated. Now I'm looking forward to my first half marathon in a few weeks! Best wishes to you as you continue your journey. I love the community in the blogging world. Thanks again for stopping by!!!


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