Monday, October 21, 2013

A Little Spot of Joy!

My family and I have been so busy the last several months, that I haven't even had a chance to get some of my fall decorations out.  This evening I needed just a little time to put together a little corner of joy in our dining room.  Our dining room is definitely one of my favorite rooms in our home.  My mom always made it a priority for us to sit down and have a meal together each and every evening and for that I am grateful.  We also make that a priority in our home and it's such a special time to reconnect from the day.  I will admit there are still evening meals where the kids are flopping in and out of their chairs and evenings where we might be terrified if we counted how many times we have to ask our kids to 'eat their supper,' but it's worth every minute!

My dear husband gave me such a hard time for purchasing a new house plant today as I haven't had the greatest history with keeping them alive, but I'm determined to prove him wrong!  So here goes...  Last weekend the kids and I went to Kansas to visit my Mom & Dad and while we were there, my Mom, Kylee and I went to Salina to surprise my sister in law on the opening day of her store CJ's Creative Marketplace.  While we were there, I found this cute 'FALL' banner.  It was such a joy to see the smile on her face on this special day!  If you're in the Salina, KS area, I highly encourage you to check out her store!!!

This table has some other very special pieces placed on it.  My mother gave me the bread basket in the picture below, the milk glass was my great grandmother's and this camera was my great grandfather's first camera.  My grandparents told me a couple years ago that they had this old camera.  They knew how much I loved pictures and cameras, so when we were there this summer we looked and looked in their basement to find it and the pure joy I had when we found it was absolutely priceless!

What may just seem like a table is a very special corner of joy for me, full of love, memories and the encouragement to create new memories!  Thanks for letting me share just a little corner of joy from my home.  May you also enjoy a little corner of joy in your home!




  1. Very cute! Love the banner. Good luck with the plant...I usually try but am not good with them.

    1. Thanks :) I did really good with plants until the major remodeling started, then it was all down hill. Here's to a new beginning!


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