When researching menu planners on pinterest I came across this menu planner from 'Life {Sweet} Life'
I just loved the concept of this style of menu planner. It's adorable and extremely practical to have the cards printed and ready to choose when planning for the week. I contacted my dear sister in law with 'Dippity Dot Creations' to see if she could create a custom menu planner for me. I wanted one that was a little bigger so that it could include all 7 days of the week. I couldn't be more thrilled with what she came up with!!! She made it so that the pins are magnet as well as the little drawer on the bottom to hold the cards. This makes it so easy to take them off and plan for the next week without having to take the menu planner off the wall!
To make the cards, I just typed up various meal ideas (including leftovers, eat out, etc.) and printed them on some heavy cardstock. Then I used the punch below to cut them out. Plus it will be easy to add meals in the future!
Now once a week I have my daughter go through the cards and pick out what we're having for which day. This makes it so easy to plan for groceries, eliminate the questions from everyone as to what's for dinner and my little girl just loves being a part of the meal planning process. One lesson I learned through this simple task of trial and error with menu planning is, it's okay to try a process and fail at it or discover it doesn't work for you or your family. What works for one family, may not work for another. Please don't get discouraged or frustrated when it doesn't work. I made that mistake and was way too hard on myself too many times over something so simple as menu planning! Grant yourself some grace just as God does!
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