I was so excited when after running for several months, I realized I was no longer getting migraines. The balance between improving my health and a way to manage the stress of life, was eliminating them completely. Over the course of this last year God has taught me a lot about priorities, making rest and sleep a priority, improving my eating habits (and that of my families), scheduling my workouts and not skipping them, and most importantly to seek Him during the difficult times.
Running has definitely become a huge part of managing my stress. It's an incredible way for me to clear my head, stay fit, spend time in prayer and challenge myself. Some of you may remember me posting about having a really bad run a few weeks ago. I had given blood the day before and my body had not recovered before trying to run eight miles. I was so discouraged and began panicking about running my first half marathon race. After a good friend saw my post she wanted to do something to encourage and support me on this journey. There's nothing that supports a runner more than prayer and a run! It was so kind and encouraging and was just what I needed. We invited other running/walking pals and got together early Wednesday morning before my big race. I also asked my husband if it would be okay to invite my little girl to join us and let me just say this little girl was SO excited!!!
I can't thank all of these ladies enough for running with me! It was a beautiful morning and I was so touched by how God was using each and every one of these ladies to touch my heart! A great support system is so incredibly valuable for any goal we set in life! Thank you Lori for putting this together and thank you ladies for inspiring and encouraging me! I pray that I can be the same encouragement to someone else!
I experienced a great amount of encouragement and peace immediately after this run. I was FINALLY to the point of not feeling nervous or stressed about the half marathon. I had been over thinking and stressing about this big day for weeks. I was ready to just relax and enjoy the experience. Kylee and I then headed home so that I could shower and get ready for work. Right after I got out of the shower the dreaded happened... I started seeing spots. I couldn't believe it, I was getting a migraine. I had been so excited to be done with migraines and couldn't believe I was getting one. I immediately took the medication I have to decrease the symptoms, laid down for about 15 minutes and then tried to go to work. I quickly realized that it wasn't a good idea to try and work and the symptoms were getting much worse. I headed home and went through the painful motions of getting through a migraine. That evening I finally felt better. After eating with my family, my dear husband wanted to talk about my stressed induced migraine. He reminded me that running had been a way for me to deal with stress and as the race began approaching it BECAME my stress. Clearly this was a dangerous combination and one I have to learn how to manage or I won't be able to continue racing.
Just a few weeks ago I was chatting with a dear friend about how working out, fitness, losing weight, etc. can become our idol. I praise God for that precious conversation as it helped put things in perspective for me. God definitely used this migraine to convict me of this very issue. I don't regret signing up for the half marathon, or improving my health and fitness, but I do know that I need to be more aware of the necessity for balance and not to let it become an idol as it did in these last couple weeks. I found myself focusing much more on this big day than other important areas in my life, including time in God's word, valuable time with my husband and kids, and just not taking the time to praise God for what He's done in my life. As you all know the first two big goals I set for myself on this journey was to run my first half marathon and to lose 25 pounds... my next goal, for the next 6 months I will spend as much time in prayer and in God's word as I do working out. That's actually a pretty big order as I'm hoping to run another half marathon in the fall and you all know some of my long runs take a good amount of time. My prayer is that it will help me keep my priorities in order, manage my stress level, develop a new perspective for my journey and simply draw me closer to God! God has been so incredibly faithful through this journey and I'm excited to see what He has in store for this next year!
Stay tuned for my race recap from the big day!!!
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