Over the last couple of years I have read MANY blogs and tips on ways to save time or be more efficient as a wife and mom. I've appreciated the wisdom shared by other women and the time they take to touch another woman's heart, family and home.
Like most families, our mornings can definitely be the most challenging. I get up at 4:00 AM to get my run/workout in, then I head home to get showered and ready for work, grab breakfast, take Kylee to school and then to the office by 7:45 AM.
Without further ado, here's a random list of things that have made our mornings pleasant, timely and possible with a smile (most days)! I certainly don't have all the answers or tips, but if one tip helps just one mom, then it's worth sharing!
1. A new haircut! I've had long hair for as long as I can remember. After reading about another mom cutting her hair shorter to save time every day to help balance her day it really got me thinking. Having four inches cut off was a big deal for me, but let me just say that I love the time it saves every day! And it's also been fun changing things up a bit.
3. Clothes picked out and ready for the week! I typically do laundry on Saturday's. Then Sunday afternoons/evenings we check the weather and then the kids get their clothes all picked out for the week. This has been such a time saver!
4. Meal planning & food preparation! I definitely dislike going to the grocery store, but planning my meals and having a list has helped so much.
5. Most importantly give grace to your kids, your spouse and YOURSELF! We all know that even with the best planning and best intentions some mornings just don't go well and that's okay. With God's grace we'll get through the rest of the day!
I would absolutely love to hear any other tips or pearls of wisdom that you may have for us to add to our list!
I don't know how families do it without menu planning. I began menu planning 7 years ago as our family grew more. I have to say, having a clean kitchen to wake up to helps us out. Your routine is much like mine every morning. Except I DO NOT wake up at 4. :) I plan to get my run/workout done before 7 but sometimes I like to do it after the kids have left. Just depends on what my day has.