Saturday, January 12, 2013

A hard week or a lesson learned?

This week I got back into focusing on getting some more miles in and some additional cross training done. It was also an eye opening week for me as I realized I had fallen into a trap. The trap of thinking that if you can't run the entire goal distance you are weak.  Monday was a short run of 3.5 miles and some dumbbells and then Wednesday morning I had set a goal for myself to run 10 miles. As I got started I could tell it was going to be a tough run. My feet hurt, my stomach hurt and I just had a poor attitude. I even had to take a few walking breaks. I was so incredibly discouraged, especially after running 12 miles last week.  I was only able to finish 9.25. This was the first time since I've started running that I didn't meet a daily distance goal I had set for myself.

Over my lunch break on Wednesday I decided to do some reading on some blogs and various research to see how others cope with a bad run as I knew I wasn't the first person to feel this discouraged after a run.  I came across several encouraging post as well as being introduced to the Galloway run/walk method.  I had heard of the method several times but never really understood  it.  It's a method of running a certain amount of time then walking then repeating.  On Thursday morning I did some cross training.  I rode the bike in the gym for 6 miles and then did some dumbbells.  Friday morning came and after being so discouraged Wednesday I wasn't really looking forward to it and almost didn't even get out of bed to go (but I'm so glad I did).  I decided to not set my goal too high and use an approach that would still push me but not push me too hard.  So here's what I did, I ran two miles then walked a quarter of a mile, and then repeated several times to complete 9 miles.  I also increased my speed with each interval.  It was a much better finish to the week.  Although my miles per run were less this week I was able to run 21.75 miles this week, which is more than I have ever done.  I learned such a valuable lesson this week.  It's okay if you need to take a walk break in between running AND it's okay to have a bad run!  After such a long journey this week, I leave you with this simple but encouraging reminder.




  1. I started a workout of run 1/2 mile, 10 squats, 20 jumping jacks, 15 pushups, 25 crunches, 10 lunges (5 each side) and then repeat 4 times. It's pretty good!

    1. Wow, that's a pretty intense workout! I may try that on one of my cross training days this week!!!


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